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Monday , 24 February 2025

ECCV to meet with Filipino community on elder abuse project

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The Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV) will meet with key representatives and interested people from the Filipino community for its statewide project to deliver a community education campaign that will raise awareness of elder abuse and prevention including culturally- appropriate community education. The first Filipino advisory group meeting will be held on 1 August 2013, 10.30am at the ECCV Resource Centre in Carlton.

Fiona York, Seniors Project Officer of ECCV, told The Philippine Times that ECCV is currently working with a number of ethnic communities in the project (Greek, Chinese, Filipino, Macedonian, Turkish and Serbian) and each community has its own advisory group to drive the project.

The three-year project, which started in 2012, is being delivered in partnership with Seniors Rights Victoria (SRV). Its aim is “to empower, inform and resource culturally-diverse seniors, and ethnic community support services, by raising awareness about seniors’ rights and elder abuse prevention, including the role of Seniors Rights Victoria and how to access this and other supports.”

Among its objectives are: to produce an overview that gives an understanding of elder abuse in each targeted ethnic community and cultural and linguistic factors that should be considered in raising community awareness and to facilitate culturally-sensitive elder abuse education for ethnic agencies and community leaders from the target ethnic communities that includes: elder abuse, its prevention and the role of Seniors Rights Victoria and other relevant supports.

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Established in 1974, ECCV is a non-partisan, broadly based, statewide, peak advocacy body representing ethnic and multicultural communities in Victoria. The ECCV’s role includes supporting, consulting, liaising with and providing information to Victoria’s ethnic communities.

For more information about the project please contact: Fiona York phone (03) 9349 4122 or email at fyork@eccv.org.au or visit the website:www.eccv.org.au.

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