When COVID-19 (coronavirus) became a global pandemic in early 2020, countries imposed lockdowns, mandated many protocols including social distancing, wearing of facemasks, washing of...
The short film 'FILO-BOY', directed by 21-year-old Filipino-Australian Caleb Ribates, was streamed earlier this year as part of his studies at a Melbourne film...
For the first time, Bollywood will feature Philippine cinema.
ABS-CBN Film Productions is forging a deal with India’s Global One Studios to adapt the Philippines’...
SUSHI NOH is a surreal horror film that explores the vivid monstrosities that plague children's nightmares. The story follows a young Asian Australian child who encounters...
Connecting with Filipino communities all across Australia Pinoy Street Party aims to bring all generations together through music.Â
Pinoy Street Party will take place on Friday 29 October...