Life’s season called Spring

Spring season of life

Spring is my favourite season of the year because the days become longer and the temperature becomes more pleasant. Spring is full of surprises, excitements and adventures. It is a refreshing and enjoyable season to experience.

My hither and thither plants and shrubs from the last Winter season are looking tidier since my husband started to spend more time in the garden. My Roses Geranium and annuals are now in bloom, showcasing their magnificent flowers in rainbow colours, a feast for the eyes. A remarkable beauty of nature is to be experienced in Spring.

My cherry, apple, apricot, plum, and peach trees are all blossoming at their peak indicative of the abundance of fruits this coming Summer season. The fragrance smell of Jasmine flowers fill and saturate my backyard garden especially during the night.

While doing my morning walk each day, I can hear and see the birds coming back to the garden. Bees and butterflies are busy doing their jobs, sucking nectar from flower to flower. Spring is also the busiest season for the honey bees and beekeepers.

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One of the many surprises of Spring are the plants, trees, and shrubs which hibernate during Winter, and are now showing signs of life and growing stronger each day.

Why do we truly appreciate and welcome the Spring season?

In stark contrast to the gloomy, dreary cold Winter season, Spring is akin to our life’s journey, the more adversities and struggles in life that we go through The more we experience difficulties, the more we appreciate the real essence of what happiness is all about. The more we can savour and value the joy of the sweet success in life.

Spring denotes life, hope and a new beginning. So what are we waiting for? Spring into action and start doing things you have always put on hold. This is the time to pursue our goals and aspirations. Let’s enjoy the Spring season as much as we can while it is here!

Excerpt from my book Reflective Contemplations

The season of Winter is akin to the darkest moments
Of our lives
Unforeseen traumatic tragedies will happen
As long as you have a solid faith in God
And the support of loved ones and friends
You can overcome all predicaments
Soon Spring will be around
New hope, new life and a new beginning
Our journey will be rosier
And joyful than ever.


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Lorna Ramirez
Here’s a more concise version of the author bio, shortened by about half: Lorna Ramirez was born and educated in Manila, Philippines, earning a degree in Chemical Engineering and working as a laboratory manager in the textiles industry. In 1977, she migrated to Australia with her husband and two children, continuing her career as a chemist until retiring in 2000 to care for her first grandchild. An avid traveler, gardener, cook, and pianist, Lorna draws inspiration from her rich life experiences and deep faith. Her thoughtful observations on human behavior are woven into her uplifting and inspiring book. Discover more about her work at