United States Small Ships Section 75th Anniversary reunion


The U.S. Army Small Ships Section 75th Anniversary Reunion was held on Sunday 14th May at The Grace Hotel, Sydney. Official Guests at the Reunion included Republic of the Philippines Consul General Anne Jalando on-Louis, U.S. Consul General Valerie Fowler, CAPT Charles W. Fowler III U.S.N (Ret), Sister Mary Leahy O.A.M.of Stella Maris, The Grace Hotel General Manager Mr Philip Pratley, Merchant Navy Association President Mr Geoffrey Walls, Federal Master for the Company of Master Mariners Mr Ted van Bronswijk , President of the Federation of Naval Ships Associations Mr Allan Moffatt O.A.M.and Australian author Mr Ian Shaw.

Ian Shaw has written a book about Small Ships Section called ‘The Rag Tag Fleet’ which will be released during June. During the Reunion Luncheon Philippine Consul General Anne Jolando-on Louis made a posthumous awards presentation to GEORGE JULIAN ‘Snowy’ HOWELL V.C.,M.M. The Philippine Defense Medal and the Philippine Liberation Medal were accepted by ‘Snowy’ Howell’s nephew John Howell.

Surviving Veterans Don Kennedy, Don Campbell and Peter Lucas were in attendance and are pictured (attached) with U.S. Consul general Fowler and Association Secretary D O’Brien. Small Ships Section were Inducted into the U.S. Army Transportation Corps Hall of Fame during 2010 and also Honoured with the Ancient Order of St Christopher.

Anybody who believes that their family member served with the U.S. Army during WWII is urged to contact the association at Secretary@usarmysmallships.asn.au

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