Back to life once again

Spring - Back to life | Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash
Spring - Back to life | Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

The sight of the morning fogs slowly diminishing and being greeted with a warm sunshine coming from my bedroom windowsill made me realise that spring is here again.

Spring is my favourite season of the year, and it denotes rebirth, new hope, new life and a new beginning; the days will be longer and nights will be shorter and the warmer temperature will enable us to do more outdoor activities and have fun.

Once again, our eyes will be feasting on the arrays of beautiful colours from the magnificent flowers and plants that went on hibernation during winter.

Lessons can be learned in every season of the year. Like the cycle of life, we can gain experiences in each stage of it. The weary cold winter will be over, and the warm vibrant spring season will follow.

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My favourite lemon tree was disease-stricken during the late summer right through winter due to Citrus Gall Wasp. We did not lose hope and we found ways to save the tree. The branches of the trees that were affected by the eggs of the wasp were aggressively pruned, nurtured and cared for. Now in spring, the lemon tree has new leaves sprouting at the trunk showing signs of life, much to our joy.

Lots of birds are visiting our backyard garden, chirping in a happy mood, heralding that spring is here. Even my cutie little bunny is playing, twirling, hopping and jumping while enjoying the warmth of the sun.

This is one of my favourite phrases from the book titled “Seeds of Contemplation” by Thomas Merton. “It is in God’s love that speaks to me in the birds and streams, but also behind the clamour of the city God speaks to me in his judgment, and all things are seeds sent to me from His will.”

I believe it is in the appreciation of His creations that we become closer to “Him”. It is during spring that we are overwhelmed by the beauty of nature around us. There are things in life that we have to accept as part of His will.

The past five months were comparable and resembling the cold winter season of my life. Like a bad dream, I had experienced frustrations and some trying times in life. Nonetheless, on a positive note, I was able to see life in a different perspective, thus making me a stronger and a better person.

Having come back to my senses, I realised what was relevant before does not exist anymore at this present situation. I came back to my first love and passion: writing and music. I will now have the time to write the sequel of my novel “Moments of Love Lust and Ecstasy” and finish my last level of piano. I’m really looking forward to this glorious spring season.

For us to enjoy the utmost benefits of what spring offers, we have to plan ahead all the activities we can do before the steamy, hot arid summer arrives. We can go visiting parks, museums and enjoy a family picnic. For keen gardeners, it is the time to enjoy your work. Indeed, there are lots of things to do and before we know it, spring will soon be over!

Excerpt from my book- Reflective Contemplations

The season of winter is akin
To the darkest moments of our lives
Unforeseen traumatic tragedies will happen
As long you have a solid faith in HIM
And support of loved ones and friends
You can overcome all predicaments
Soon Spring will be around
New hope new beginning
Our journey will be rosier than ever

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

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Lorna Ramirez
Here’s a more concise version of the author bio, shortened by about half: Lorna Ramirez was born and educated in Manila, Philippines, earning a degree in Chemical Engineering and working as a laboratory manager in the textiles industry. In 1977, she migrated to Australia with her husband and two children, continuing her career as a chemist until retiring in 2000 to care for her first grandchild. An avid traveler, gardener, cook, and pianist, Lorna draws inspiration from her rich life experiences and deep faith. Her thoughtful observations on human behavior are woven into her uplifting and inspiring book. Discover more about her work at