Fifteen-year-old Leo Borromeo from Cebu was declared overall champion in two categories of the Rubik’s Oceanic Championship 2022 held from 15 to 18 December 2022 at the Melbourne Sports Centres, Parkville. He won first place in both the 3x3x3 and 4x4x4 divisions. The victory is his first in a competition held abroad, which saw at least 656,000 aspirants from around the world.
Leo, currently ranked 4th in the world for the 3x3x3 Rubik’s cube category, started speedcubing when he was seven and joined local competitions when he was 8.
Of his win, Leo shares, “It was so cool to be with friends again from Melbourne and winning for the first time a competition outside the Philippines, specially when I was head-to-head with my idol and friend, Feliks Zemdegs who was my inspiration. I like competing to be the best, and I hope to get a world record someday.”

Follow him on FB: Leo Borromeo – Speedcuber and IG: @leoborromeospeedcuber.