Filipino-Australian actor Felino Dolloso has come up with a fresh project titled 'Trumpet Player Series,' set to hit YouTube this November 2023. This series...
Kookaburra Cha Cha, a melody for freedom and conservation, is now live on digital music platforms. Adelaide-based Filipina Maggie Cudanin Ebbinghaus is the composer...
By Dyan Suaco
Raw, intimate, and soulful. Moira Live in Sydney dominated the Concourse Theatre in Chatswood on 13 October 2023. Opening the show was...
Following its triumphant showcase in London in July, the globally acclaimed music festival, 1MX, is set to captivate a new audience as it transitions...
Excelsis, a musical marvel that originated in 2013, has been enchanting audiences with its harmonious melodies for ten glorious years. Founded by Musical Director...