James Lobriza is a 22-year-old Filipino-Australian from Melbourne who has achieved impressive results in his first-ever bodybuilding competitions earlier this year. He began training in March 2020, in what he says has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences he’s ever undertaken.
After a year of training, James won the under-23s and under-70s bodybuilding divisions at the International Federation of BodyBuilding and Fitness (IFBF) Juniors Bodybuilding Competition’s Victoria State Qualifiers. On 7 March, he also competed at the iCompeteNatural (ICN) Federation, winning three gold medals in the Rookie Men’s Bodybuilding U23, Rising Star Men’s Classic Physique and Rookie Men’s Classic Physique, as well as a silver in Rookie Men’s Bodybuilding Open.

In the lead up to the competitions, James’ training included staying focused during the lockdowns, tracking his nutrition, and hiring a reputable coach to help him achieve his goals. “Staying consistent and following the plan is what attains the results,” he said.
While James’ goal was to be able to step onto the stage, winning the gold and silver medals were a bonus. “It’s one of the best feelings I’ve had knowing my resilience, dedication, and consistency over several months resulted in me achieving this.”