Giving orphaned children a warm mum’s hug

The kids with Ruth Roa
The kids with Ruth Roa

Ruth Roa puts up her dream orphanage using her superannuation

Dreams and passion brought to fruition a project that gives disadvantaged children in Mindanao, Philippines a voice. Thanks to the vision of Ruth Roa, a native of Mindanao and founder of San Pedro Children’s Home (SPCH) in Digos, Davao, 13 children now call this facility their home. In an interview with The Philippine Times, Ruth said, “I saw the existing problems with abandoned children on the streets. I have always had that aspiration that one day I will do something to alleviate that situation.”

The kids with volunteer Samantha Galea
The kids with volunteer Samantha Galea
The kids with their housemother
The kids with their housemother
The kids getting ready for school.
The kids getting ready for school.

In 2015, SPCH was founded with seven children in residence and built using her superannuation. The number has since grown to 13, and have also included abused children, as well as children who seek temporary shelter before they move to another facility in another barangay or community. To Ruth, putting up SPCH was not only the fulfilment of her dream but also her way of serving and glorifying God and giving back to humanity.

“I praise God for giving me the opportunity and the resources to make my dream a reality. Serving the community is a rewarding effort both mentally and spiritually,” Ruth further shares.

The SPCH is a recognised and licensed institution by the Department of Social Welfare and Development. It has a housemother who lives in the facility to look after the welfare of the children 24/7 as well as an in-house social worker who helps the children in their transition to the home and monitors the behaviour, psychological and personal state of the children.

Ruth says that she intends to put up a sports ground for the children to complement their education. Now, the children are into music and dance and also learning practical skills like planting vegetables and looking after chickens and a pig.

Earlier, the Lions Club of Footscray (of which Ruth is a member) helped SPCH for some of the Home’s requirements like beds and setting up of music lessons for the children. On occasion, they would receive clothes, shoes, books or money from kind-hearted individuals. For most of the Home’s needs, Ruth still shells out personal funds from her superannuation to take care of the children in the Home’s care.

From time-to-time, the Home also gets visitors like Samantha Galea, an 18-year-old Australian volunteer who stayed there for three weeks. Jeff and Heather King from Lions Club of Footscray were also toured around by Ruth during their brief stay (See related article on this page).

Ruth sees to grow the facility to accommodate more children and sustain a full capacity of 25 children under their care. This means that Ruth will continue to extend a mum’s warm embrace until such time that the children grow up and can afford to be good and God-fearing citizens ready to chase their own dreams.

For those interested to make a donation, send Ruth an email at