Giving seniors a face and a voice

Eddie Atacador is the founder of Knox City Chess Enthusiasts (KCCE)

Eddie Atacador founder of Knox City Chess Enthusiasts (KCCE)

Recognise the face on the Knox City Council’s Knox Over 55s Zest for life brochure? That’s our very own community leader Eddie Atacador, founder of the Knox Community Chest Enthusiasts (KCCE).

The brochure lists programs of events, activities and social groups, under which KCCE was included. A copy can be requested through the Knox City website.

The KCCE sets up chess boards every Thursdays, at the Westfield Knox Community Space, between 10.30am and 3pm. Seniors are welcome to join the games to engage their brains and also socialise with fellow players. KCCE is a multicultural group.

According to Lita Atacador, wife of Eddie, in her Facebook post, “Love supporting my husband in all his projects and proud that at his age, he is still making a difference and his passion of helping and giving back to the community is still there. Recently, he was also selected by the Knox councllors to be a member of the Knox Active Ageing Advisory Committee. In this capacity, he can be a voice to give feedback and suggestions to the Council in matters relating to ageing issues in the community.”

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Contact Eddie on 0409 417 719 to join KCCE’s activities.