The Filipino-Australian Foundation of Queensland (FAFQ) Inc. celebrated the 75th anniversary of Philippines-Australia diplomatic relations on 22-23 May at the Philippine Multipurpose Centre in Coopers Plains.
The FAFQ Inc. board welcomed the guests for the celebration with speeches by Founding President Mauro Somodio, and his wife, Cecilia Jumayao Somodio, current president of FAFQ Inc.
The first day was attended by Brisbane City Councillor Steven Huang, Umesh Chandra, President of Multicultural Advisory Council of Queensland Inc; Surendra Prasad, President of Fiji Senior Citizens of Queensland Inc and Robert Mukombozi, Former President, Queensland African Communities Council of Queensland Inc.
Mark Lugg, a Community Liaison Officer at the Department of Home Affairs, was also present.
A video message from the first Philippine Honorary Consul in Brisbane, Ernesto Peralta was played. Peralta is known for promoting Filipino cultural values to Australian spouses who were preparing to marry Filipino women.
The second day was attended by Graham Perrett MP for Moreton and Peter Russo MP for Toohey.
The highlight of the event was the storytelling by Filipino migrants, who shared their experiences about how they came to Australia and their gratitude for the opportunities and ability to celebrate their culture here.
Migrants included Gemma Rimando, who came to Australia on a Fiancé Visa; Luke Paatan, who took the 457 Skilled pathway and Alyssa Capahi, who undertook the Bridging Visa for Nurses. Elmer Bedia who migrated on a talent visa, and Carmelita Elumba, who was part of the Family Migration visa program also joined.

Ambassador’s visit
Philippine Ambassador to Australia, Ma. Hellen De La Vega travelled to Brisbane on 1 June and met with more than 100 people from 21 Filipino community organisations in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Toowoomba. The event was hosted by FAFQ at the Philippine Multi-Purpose Centre, Beryl Roberts Park, Coopers Plains, Brisbane.
A video presentation of the history of Filipino migration to Australia and the contribution of Filipinos to the Australian society from past to the present was shown during the night. It was a very colourful and enjoyable evening of music, Philippine folk dance and community singing.