It’s Hearing Awareness Week

I support Hearing Awareness Week

This Hearing Awareness Week (3-9 March), Australian Hearing is encouraging local residents around Melbourne to embrace their hearing health as an extension of their fitness regime.

Research shows today’s older Australians are generally healthier and more active than their peers over 25 years ago*. However, maintaining hearing fitness isn’t a priority, with people waiting an average of seven years to take a hearing check**.

“To stay in top shape, people should consider a hearing test as part of their regular health check-up, just like they would get their eyes checked or test their blood pressure,” according to Australian Hearing Melbourne.

A hearing check is a quick and easy way to measure the sounds you can and can’t hear.

Gumdent Dental Clinic

Key signs of hearing loss:

  • A ringing sensation in your ears (tinnitus), including whistling, buzzing and hissing in your ears
  • Your family complains you have the TV too loud
  • You have difficulty hearing people on the phone
  • You keep saying “what?” and ask people to repeat themselves
  • You have stopped participating in activities you used to enjoy
  • You feel isolated and confused in noisy situations

If people have any concerns about their hearing or a loved one’s hearing, they can come and talk to their local Australian hearing specialist.

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