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Knights honour fellow and new Sydney ConGen H.E. Sir Tago

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Jinky Marsh
Jinky Marsh
Jinky Trijo Marsh is an actor (stage, screen and voice), media producer, radio presenter and vocalist. She is also a registered dental health practitioner and active community oral health educator. Contact Jinky via her website, https://www.jinkymarsh.com.

The Knights of Rizal Eastern Australia Area officially welcomed and honoured the newly-appointed Sydney Consul General Ezzedin H. Tago in a fellowship at Blacktown, New South Wales on the 26th October 2019.

The luncheon event also celebrated the second anniversary of the Knights of Rizal Western Sydney Chapter. Member knights of the Sydney, Canberra, Western Sydney, and Northern Sydney chapters as well as ladies of the Kababaihang Rizalista Inc. and Rizal historian Dr Floro Quibuyen attended the event.

H.E. Sir Ezzedin H. Tago, KGOR was the former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Yemen. He became a member Knight of Rizal himself at an early age and has served the Order in the promotion of the ideals of Dr Jose Rizal ever since. He holds the rank of Knight Grand Officer of Rizal.

The program was moderated and emceed by Sir Bing Rana, Knight Grand Officer of Rizal (KGOR) – Past Regional Commander of the ANZO region.

Sir Danny Peralta, KGOR – Area Commander of Knights of Rizal Eastern Australia and concurrent Chapter Commander of Sydney Chapter (host chapter) welcomed the members of each chapter including the participation of the Kababaihang Rizalista Inc., and respective ladies of the Knights of Rizal.

Consul General Ezzedin Tago, KGOR with member Knights of Rizal of the Sydney, Canberra, Western Sydney and Northern Sydney chapters
Consul General Ezzedin Tago, KGOR with member Knights of Rizal of the Sydney, Canberra, Western Sydney and Northern Sydney chapters

Sir Cesar Bartolome, Knight Grand Officer of Rizal (KGOR) – incumbent Australian New Zealand Ocenia Regional Commander introduced the Guest of Honour H.E. Sir Ezzedin Tago, KGOR who shared his journey being member of the Knights of Rizal and the activities and advocacies for Rizal by the Order in the Middle East.

In his speech, H.E. Sir Tago emphasised the importance of patriotism, service to the country and promotion of positive Filipino values and culture.

“It does not include for me a political party or individual. The challenge is how to make the past relevant to our future,” he said.

H.E. Sir Tago commended the Order in doing so. He encouraged community engagements that will strengthen the relationship between the Philippines and Australia and benefit our own country, the Philippines and us, its people.

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Recitation of the Rizalian pledge and re-dedication to the Order was led by Sir Philip Ranoso, Knight Grand Officer of Rizal (KGOR) – Past Regional Commander of the ANZO region.

Consul General Ezzedin Tago with the ladies of the Kababaihang Rizalista Inc. Sydney Chapter
Consul General Ezzedin Tago with the ladies of the Kababaihang Rizalista Inc. Sydney Chapter

More about H.E. Sir Ezzedin H. Tago, KGOR

In September 1994, H.E. Sir Ezzedin graduated with Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of California, Davis.

He joined the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1995 as a contractual employee and passed the Foreign Service Exam in 1996.

In 1998, he finished his secondary degree from the Philippine School I Jeddah, the predecessor of the International Philippine School in Jeddah (IPSJ).

Fluent in Arabic, H.E. Sir Ezzedin has been assigned to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (1999-2003) as Vice Consul and Third Secretary and to Jakarta, Indonesia (2003-2005) as Consul and Second Secretary. He was also detailed to Baghdad, Iraq for 10 months in 2004 to 2005. He served as Consul General in Jeddah from 2007 to 2011.

In the Home Office, he served as Acting Director with the Office of Middle East and African Affairs (1996-1999) and as Special Assistant to Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs for Special Concerns (2005-2007).

H.E. Sir Ezzedin was a recipient of the following awards and citations:

  • The Order of Lakandula, Rank of Officer, by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in August 2007
  • The Gawad Mabini Award, Rank of Commander, by H.E. Secretary Alberto Romulo, Secretary of Foreign Affairs in August 2007
  • Presidential Citation from former President Macapagal-Arroyo awarded in December 2006 for assisting the repatriation of Filipinos in Lebanon during the Israel-Hezbollah Crisis in July 2006
  • Presidential Citation from former President Macapagal-Arroyo awarded in June 2005 for the role in the cases of two Filipino hostages in Iraq – Messrs. Angelo dela Cruz and Robert Tarongoy
  • Commendation from Secretary of Foreign Affairs for the role of Coordinator of the Liaison and Information Committee, National Organising Committee for the Special Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting for Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation in March 2010

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