26.1 C
Sunday , 9 March 2025



Fiesta’s Laverton property remortgaged at $300k

The Philippine Fiesta of Victoria’s (PFVI) Laverton property was remortgaged last year at $300,000 as per mortgage document presented by the Concerned Members of...

Filipino-Australians to mark Feast of Sto Niño

  The Australian Visayan Association of Victoria, Inc. is inviting the Filipino community to attend the Sinulog 2016 (Sto Niño Festival) on 17 January 2016. A...

Filipinos to join Australia Day Parade 2016

The Filipino Community Council of Victoria (FCCVI) led by its Chairperson Perla Luetic will lead the Filipino delegation at the annual Australia Day Parade...

Multicultural stories weave a web

Wyndham’s multicultural community is being explored with the launch of a new online storybook. The online storybook aims to gather residents’ information on different races,...

VSL “Break the Ice!” visit by the Commission on Filipinos Overseas and the AFCS

Filipino students from the Victorian School of Languages have recently enjoyed a special visit from the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) representatives Maria Camille...


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