The Mindanao Ethnic Dance group of the Alliance of Philippine Community Organisations, Inc (APCO) aptly represented the Filipino community in the Auburn...
Dr. Rolade Brizuela Berthier, a Filipino-born Australian sociologist currently based residing in France, recently published a book titled, "Intelligence, Giftedness: Pre-cradle to Post-grave".
In his...
Today in History
September 15, 1898
MANILA, Sept. 15 (PNA) -- On September 15, 1898, La Republica Filipina, an independent and nationalist newspaper founded by Pedro...
Elaine Valenzuela
A night of superb singing was rendered by seven bubbly semi-finalists of 2010 Fil-Oz Idol namely Joachim Zane Callos, Jaydean Contreras, Sheralyn May...