Alice Gregorio Nicolas is the publisher of The Philippine Times.
The Honorable Mayor Councilor Grant Miles delivers speech
Mrs. Eleanor Naldoza
FEGTA dancers present La Jota Moncadena
Mrs. Perla Luetic, Chairperson of the Filipino Community Council of Victoria, delivers an informative speech
Husband and wife emcees, Willy and Lina Obien
The Cha-cha group dance headed by Mrs. Elsie Spiteri, President of the FASCOVI Senior Citizens Club in St. Albans proved that being a senior is not a hindrance to execute a swaying number.
Rollie and Lorna Ferrer present a swing dance number
PCSFFI members lead the line dancing
Pablo Soledad, oldest PCSFFI member at 93, poses with Mayor Councilor Grant Miles
Mrs Terry Mejia and Mrs. Aniceta Esmaquel’s impromptu comedy act brought the house down after Mrs. Mejia’s acapella number.
Norma Serrano shows her grace as a salsa dancer with her husband, Rockie Serrano
Laurie Wilks’ sings “Danny Boy”
Justin Roccio sings his original composition
Jessie Lipara plays in the keyboard
Joe and Sue Caruana dance the Macarena
Mayor Cr. Grant Miles from Maribyrnong City Council graces the event.
Ernie Rivo, FEGTA Administrator, provides sound system
Herminia Soledad and Eleanor Naldoza sing a delightful musical number
Current PCSFFI Vice-President Nino Diones sings “Hello”
Cr. Grant Miles dies line dancing with some PCSFFI members and guests
The finale number “May the Good Lord Bless You and Keep You” sung by all performers.
PCSFFI current President, Mrs. Henrietta Soledad delivers opening remarks
Siblings, Michelle and Catherine doing contemporary dance number
The Philippine Cultural Society for Families and Friends, Inc. (PCSFFI) held a Musical Mini-Concert last 5 October 2014 at the Raleigh Road Activity Centre in Maribyrnong. Before the festivity, Fr. Litoy Asis officiated the mass.
The activity aimed to present musical talents of the group’s members, families and friends. Members presented vocal solo, duet, folk dances, modern and ballroom dance, live band, musical instruments, community singing and line dancing.
The event also served as a reunion of families representing current, retired in the Philippines and families of deceased members. The activity coincided with the celebration of Senior Citizens Week with senior citizens performing while other musical numbers were dedicated to them.
Guest speakers were Mayor Councillor Grant Miles of the Maribyrnong City Council and Mrs. Perla Luetic, Chairperson of the Filipino Community Council of Victoria, Inc. Both encouraged multiculturalism and interaction with different Filipino and ethnic communities.
Mrs Henrietta Soledad, PCSFFI’s current President, was the program co-ordinator.