How state sponsorships can help you get a PR visa


There are many pathways in getting a Permanent Residency visa. Under the General Skilled Migration stream, there is one visa class, the 190 visa that requires a state sponsorship. However, not many people know how state sponsorships work.

This article intends to give an overview of what state sponsorship is, its benefits to the visa applicant, the requirements and application process, and where to get more information about the application requirements for each state.

What is State Sponsorship?

States in Australia issue a skilled occupation lists that show all the roles they require based on the state’s industry requirements. This is a subset of the combined occupation lists released by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).

The state occupation lists vary in each state and the roles can come from the Medium to Long Term Skills Occupation List (MLTSSL) or the Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL).

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Once you are granted a state sponsorship, you are required to stay in the state where you got your sponsorship for two years.

Benefits and examples

Getting a state sponsorship gives you additional five migration points which you can add to your total migration score and it gives you an option to apply for a PR visa even if your role is not on the MLSTSSL. Here are examples of how state sponsorship worked for my previous clients.

A Registered Nurse (role is on MLTSSL) wanted to apply for a PR visa but she only has a total of 55 migration points. She lives in Melbourne and has two years of work experience as RN. This client satisfies the state sponsorship requirements of Victoria, got her sponsorship and was able to claim additional five points from this sponsorship. This made this client eligible for a PR visa subclass 190.

A Pastry Cook wanted to apply for a PR visa but her role is not on the MLTSSL. Although this client has 60 migration points, she still needs a state sponsorship because it is a mandatory requirement (for the 190 visa) to get a state sponsorship if your role is not on MLTSSL but on STSOL. This client satisfies the Victorian state requirements for a Pastry Cook, got her state sponsorship, and is now holding a PR visa 190.

Requirements and application process

Each state has its own set of eligibility requirements and application process. To be eligible for any state sponsorship, you should have a role enlisted on the state’s occupation list (some states can accept you even if you are not on their list but there are other set of requirements you have to fulfil such as studying in a particular state, getting a job offer, etc.), you should have at least 55 migration points, you should be 45 years old and below, and you satisfy the state’s English capability, work, and financial requirements. Basically, you have to satisfy the 190 visa requirements as well as the state specific sponsorship requirements.

The application process also varies in each state. Most states require you to have lodged an Expression of Interest (EOI) with Skillselect but in some states, you can apply for a state sponsorship even without EOI. The application processing lead time also varies per state. Some can take as fast as 20 days and some can take over between three and four months.
Some states do charge an application fee and some provide the service free of charge. For example, VIC, NT, and SA state sponsorships are currently free of charge.

If you would like to know the exact requirements, application process, and the list of skilled occupations for each state, feel free to check out these websites:

  • VIC
  • SA
  • NT
  • WA
  • QLD
  • NSW
  • TAS
  • ACT

— Source: The Philippine Times, August 2017

(Johanna Bertumen Nonato is a Registered Migration Agent (MARN 1386856) and the CEO of BridgeAus Migration Consultancy (with offices in Melbourne, Australia and Makati, Philippines). For enquiries, email or call 0427-589274).

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