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Saturday , 1 March 2025

The Different Parties You Can Hold Liable for a Car Accident

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If you are a victim of a devastating and serious injury in a car accident, you may have numerous concerns and questions that must be addressed. One of the questions is, who should I hold liable for my damages and injuries caused by the car accident? 

The answer to the above question is – it depends. This is because there is no definitive answer, as more than two parties could be involved. If the accident happened due to someone else’s negligence, entirely or partially, you can seek compensation for your pain, suffering, and injuries.

Many people think that only the driver of the other vehicle can be held liable and made to pay for the damages resulting from the accident. Determining liability in a car accident can be quite challenging, as there are usually multiple parties involved.

Anyone can be held liable, from distracted drivers to car manufacturers. This article will enlighten you on the various parties you can hold liable if you are ever involved in a car accident.

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The Parties You Can Hold Liable in a Car Accident

Whether you are a passenger, driver, or pedestrian involved in a severe car accident, you should know that understanding who is at fault in your car accident is essential in seeking compensation for your damages and losses. Here are the categories of people you can legally hold liable for the damages you suffered in a car accident:

The Driver

In many cases, the driver of the car that caused the accident can be held liable. Every driver must obey traffic laws and safely operate their vehicles. For instance, if a driver over-speeds, drives under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or drives while distracted, you may hold them responsible for any resulting damages and injuries.

The Manufacturer of the Vehicle 

Many car manufacturers are constantly under fire for producing defective cars and parts. These defective products have resulted in numerous car accidents in which lives were lost, and the survivors suffered severe injury or damage.

If you were involved in a car accident caused by a faulty part (whether in someone else’s car or yours), you may have the right to seek compensation. 

A Commercial Business

Driving is a must-have skill in many occupations. Unfortunately, many commercial drivers fail to exercise the care they should while driving, resulting in severe accidents.

Commercial car accidents come in numerous forms, including accidents that involve the following;

  • Moving vans
  • Food trucks
  • Delivery trucks and vans
  • Passenger vans
  • Limousines, taxis, and town cars

When a commercial vehicle crashes into a passenger vehicle, the driver and their employer should be held responsible for the accident. 

A Government Agency

Negligent maintenance and construction of roads can lead to serious accidents, whether on a local street or an interstate highway. In these conditions, the agency that commissioned the road or the one responsible for its maintenance may be liable if you get injured in an accident caused by a bad and unsafe road.

Also, the major contractor and subcontractor may be liable if the accident occurred due to road construction errors. 

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