The very essence of Christmas: love, forgiveness, humility

Nativity | Jesus Christ was born in a manger

I believe that the true essence of Christmas is love, forgiveness, and humility. Jesus exemplified all these virtues. He was born in a manger, an epitome and manifestation of humility. He died on the cross to redeem us from sin, certainly an act of love to all mankind.

Forgiveness was mentioned in His first and second last words when He was crucified. The first word, ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’ and the second word, ‘Today you will be with me in paradise‘. Even in the popular Lord’s Prayer recited by Christians around the globe, forgiveness was also mentioned.

This Christmas, let us all have time to reflect, meditate, and do soul searching. Christmas should be a time for preparation for our spiritual upliftment—to nourish our body and soul by doing good deeds and helping those who need it the most.

We should spare a thought for those who can’t celebrate with their families; for example, the expatriates, overseas Filipino workers, the soldiers overseas in their mission for peace, the sick, and the lonely.

For some people, Christmas is a time of sorrow, like some parents who do not have the means to buy presents for their children. Only then we realised how lucky we are that we can afford and manage to celebrate this important festive season with all our loved ones and friends.

Christmas is a very special event for Christians, celebrating and remembering the birth of Christ.

For most of us, it is the time for parties, merrymaking, gorging on food and alcohol, and the anticipation of that long-awaited holiday. The church will be busy preparing for Christmas with the beginning of advent in late November and culminating until the 24th of December.

For us Filipinos, we will be attending Simbang Gabi (Dawn Mass) which begins on 16 December and ends on Christmas eve, 24 December. Most houses during the Christmas season will be decorated with lights. Tall Christmas trees packed with gifts, Christmas stockings hanging on the wall, the children waiting for Saint Nicholas to fill it up on Christmas Day will be found in every house.

Parents will be spending on lavish gifts for their children. There will be lots of careful preparation for the food on Christmas Day. There is nothing wrong with these. It is a Christmas tradition for bonding with families and friends. These are some of the joyful moments experienced by all during the Christmas celebration.

With all these festivities, are we forgetting the real essence of Christmas? Are we more consumed and focused on material things and ourselves?

I think we all are. I believe it is not too late to make the change. We can practice the virtues of love, forgiveness, and humility. It will be a challenge for us all, but it can be done.

Happy Christmas to all and God bless.

Excerpt from my book Reflective Contemplations

Happiness Happy are those who can forgive
Because they will find peace
Within and others
Happy are those who stay connected with HIM
It is the only way to eternal salvation
Happy are those who are willing to share
And help others
Because they can make a difference
In this troubled world we live in
Happy are those who can love
And accept people
Because they will be able to love and be loved.

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Lorna Ramirez
Here’s a more concise version of the author bio, shortened by about half: Lorna Ramirez was born and educated in Manila, Philippines, earning a degree in Chemical Engineering and working as a laboratory manager in the textiles industry. In 1977, she migrated to Australia with her husband and two children, continuing her career as a chemist until retiring in 2000 to care for her first grandchild. An avid traveler, gardener, cook, and pianist, Lorna draws inspiration from her rich life experiences and deep faith. Her thoughtful observations on human behavior are woven into her uplifting and inspiring book. Discover more about her work at