De Leon elected FCCVI President

Members of the Filipino Community Council of Victoria Inc during the special election on 26 May 2019. | Photo credit: Gemma Mendonez
Members of the Filipino Community Council of Victoria Inc during the special election on 26 May 2019. | Photo credit: Gemma Mendonez
Marlon De Leon
Marlon de Leon

Marlon de Leon was elected on Sunday, 26 May 2019 as President of the Filipino Community Council of Victoria Inc (FCCVI) during a compromised election at Scout Hall, 684 Barkly Street in West Footscray. Elected into office were: Louie Sarte,  Vice President; Gloria Moscosa, Secretary; Lorna Ramirez, Assistant Secretary; Esperanza Galindo, Treasurer; Orly Victuelles, Assistant Treasurer; Liza de Blasio, PRO; Edith Feliciano, Assistant PRO, and Vince Jimenez, Auditor.

Ramirez, Jimenez and Di Blasio were running mates of Marithes Dumapias. Immediately after the election, Jimenez withdrew and he was replaced by Joey Santos, the only other candidate who ran for the position of Auditor.

The election was part of De Leon’s bid in the Supreme Court where he sought legal action against seven FCCVI officers and the Computer Helper Pty Ltd, a company providing IT services to FCCVI to declare him and his group as the duly elected Executive Committee.

Those brought to court were: Marithes Dumapias, Fred Jover, Josie Young, Vincent Jimenez, Lorna Ramirez, Lulu Lorenzo, and Vilma Egan.

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The Supreme Court did not decide on De Leon’s favour but instead ordered the two groups to sit down and settle until they eventually both signed a Deed of Settlement to have a special election.

Newly elected officers of FCCVI 26 May 2019
Newly elected officers of FCCVI 26 May 2019 | Photo credit: Gemma Mendonez

Elected officers will hold office until 2020.