19.5 C
Tuesday , 1 April 2025

Dorm Alone

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Just recently dormitories around the university belt area were inspected for their structural integrity and fire safety precautions to keep students from harm this school year. (Linus Guardian Escandor)
Just recently dormitories around the university belt area were inspected for their structural integrity and fire safety precautions to keep students from harm this school year. (Linus Guardian Escandor)

College is associated with newfound independence; when most students look forward to living out of the wings of their parents to get a taste of living on their own.

But young people might be surprised to find out that this so-called independence, particularly living in dormitories or boarding houses, may not be that fun after all. There are rules to follow, adjustments to make, living conditions to contend with.

We went around the famous university belt in Manila to scour for dorms which students will surely flock to as the beginning of a new school year looms.

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