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National Day of Prayer and Fasting – Sat 22 February 2020


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Over 70 locations Australia-wide will celebrate the National Day of Prayer and Fasting on Saturday 22 February 2020.

Join together with Christian leaders and Churches of all denominations in your region to pray, celebrate and give glory to God between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm.

Among activities planned are combined church gatherings for prayer, repentance, worship, and celebration with hundreds of other smaller prayer meetings all around the nation.

The theme for 2020 is “Together for the Glory of God.

The theme scripture for 2020 is Romans 15:16, “Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

A live webstream will be broadcast from outside Parliament House, Canberra with live crosses to capital cities which will allow people from all over Australia to be joined together in prayer for the nation.

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As many parts of the country continue to experience drought, prayers will be offered for rainfall. The drought-stricken areas need six months volume of above-average rain.

Watch the send the rain in Jesus Name Prayer Video:


Prayers are also needed for the quenching of the fires, those people affected by them and those people assisting in their recovery. There will be minutes of silence on the day to remember those who gave their lives fighting the fires, those who died or were injured and give thanks for the many miracle escapes that occurred across the nation.

“We are excited to announce that the Governor-General, David Hurley will take part in the Canberra Celebration to honour the Rural Fire Services and the emergency services and pray for those affected by the fires. We hope he will also be able to pray a blessing on the nation,” Warwick Marsh, Coordinator for the National Day of Prayer and Fasting said.

“We would greatly appreciate it if you could pass this invitation on to other prayer leaders and churches in your region and beyond,” Marsh said.

National Day of Prayer & Fasting Participation and Resources schedule

More information available on Facebook for how to register. Participate as an individual or group. Register at: www.nationaldayofprayer.org.au.

National Day of Prayer and Fasting resources and prayer points are available here.

The purpose of the National Day of Prayer & Fasting is Revival and Transformation for Australia, for churches to grow and millions of people to find the love of our Father.

1. Adoration, Worship, Thanksgiving & Repentance

The first session begins by saying the Lord’s Prayer together, Matt 6:9-18. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3 “We enter his gates with Thanksgiving”, Psalm 100:4.

We also ask you to honour Indigenous leaders. Ask them to be part of the day if possible: Romans 12:10. Pray for the persecuted, Hebrews13:3, Pray a blessing over Jerusalem and Israel. Psalm 122:6 Let us also begin the day in personal repentance as this is also a National Day of Repentance. Then progress on to the broader issues.

2. Praying for More Rain & Quenching of Fires + Help for those Affected + Coronavirus

We want to continue to pray for the full breaking of the drought in our nation. Some rain has fallen but we need 6 months of above-average rainfall to really see the drought break across the whole nation. Thanksgiving for the rain to date. Last year 2019 was the lowest rainfall year on record. We also need to pray for the quenching of the fires, those people affected by the fires and those people assisting in their recovery. Pray for the Coronavirus. Key Verses: 2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 Peter 5:7.

3. Pray for the Return of the Prodigals – Boys and Girls, Men and Women

Families are the foundation for our nation and the church. God is a family God and he is not willing that “any should perish”. Malachi 4:6, “He will turn the hearts of fathers to children, and the hearts of children to their fathers.”

Pray for a release of the Elijah message in our nation. Luke: 1:7.

Pray for an overflow of the love of our Father in Heaven to bring healing and restoration to those who have drifted away from the Father’s Love.

Pray for a revelation of the glory of God through understanding the complementarity of God’s design in creating male and female.

Pray for protection for boys and girls against abuse and gender manipulation. Key Scriptures: Malachi 4:6, Psalm 68:5, Deuteronomy 22:5, Matt 19:4.

4. Pray for Leaders – Church, Community and Government

We will pray for each of the leaders and those in authority in our nation in all the seven spheres. Included in our guide is a list of all the Federal Parliamentarians so that you can pray for them by name.

Pray also for your State MPs and Local Council Leaders. Pray for the Federal elections due in May. Pray that our governmental and civic leaders will have a revelation of the FATHER’S love through JESUS His Son.

We will also pray for local and regional church leaders, including those key church leaders listed in the Prayer Guide. Pray for young Godly leaders to arise in the church and in all facets of society.

Please use resource info. Key scriptures:  1 Timothy 2:2, Colossians 1:9-14; Ephesians 3:14-21; Isaiah 11:2-3

5. Remembrance Service with Governor-General and Joining Together to Give Praise and Glory to God 

The Governor-General will officiate at a Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service at 2.00 PM. We need to remember those who gave their life fighting the fires, those who died or were injured and give thanks for the many miracles escapes that occurred. Romans 15:16,

Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Celebrate Communion and ask the people present to pray for one another and confess your faults to one another. Pray to God for a revelation of the “light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” 

6. Declaration of the Glory of God Through Jesus 

Hebrews 1:3. “The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command”. We are praying for Australians to receive the revelation of the Glory of God who is JESUS CHRIST. 

John 17:21-22. We are praying that men, women, boys, and girls will experience the Father’s Love. We are praying for millions to find Christ. Pray for the success of Go2020 in May and Raise up the Cross in the NT. Read the ‘Declaration – A Call to Glorify God’. Thank you for praying for our nation of Australia! John 3:16, Luke 15: 20 -24, Mark 16:15-20.

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