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Wednesday , 22 January 2025

Philippine flood relief appeal from ConGen Kalong

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Consulate of the Philippines
08 August 2012
To the Filipino-Australian Community in Victoria:


Natural disasters have always been a fact of life in human history. Flood, famine and untamed fire are a feature of almost all creation myths and foundation stories, including, of course, the Bible. Back home in the Philippines, our national stories and history are full of suffering and loss and heroism and solidarity in the face of these natural disasters. We remind ourselves that we are a tough and generous people who, while struggling against what life throws at us, will always lend a hand to our kababayans. We comfort each other in the face of tragedy. We celebrate the actions of the emergency services and ordinary people, which are testament to an enormous capacity for individual and collective heroism that is stupendous in its everydayness. And this is what we do again today.

Today is the time to act AGAIN and prove to the world that the spirit of bayanihan has not died. I urge all of you to help out in whatever way you can by way of donating goods and services to the flood victims. The Emergency Relief Funds for Phils. will be coordinating these efforts but let us just continue to help and give back in whatever way we can. I, like all Filipino-Australians, have been encouraged and moved by the way people pull together in times of crisis, and felt proud of the work of our emergency and social services.

READ  On Ryan Perdio's column - February 2012 issue

I am appealing to all Filipino-Australians and Organizations to assist us to raise funds to send to the victims of this recent crisis as ONE COMMUNITY:

(Proceeds from these accounts for the flood victims will be sent representing the Filipino-Australians Community in Victoria, Australia):

Account details for cash donation:

Emergency Relief Funds for Philippines
Westpac Banking Corporation
BSB 033 385 Account No. 70 4383

Filipino Pastoral Council of Melbourne
Bank: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633000 Acct. No: 122096712

Please keep you receipt for reference.

Let us continue to band together and make a difference.

Thank you and God bless us all.

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