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Friday , 7 March 2025

The wisdom to know the difference

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Dina Mananquil-Delfino
Dina Mananquil-Delfino
Dina was former editor-in-chief of The Philippine Times and has been its columnist for over 20 years. She has written two books, "Colours of Life" and "Under His Wings". Dina has been in the helping field for 40 years in the various roles she has fulfilled – teacher, employee in different organisations, volunteer, pastoral care worker. She is a member of Australian Counsellors of Australia (ACA) and Counsellors Victoria (CV). DINA IS A QUALIFIED COUNSELOR AND PASTORAL CARE WORKER. She can be contacted on 0430 214 917. Email dinadelfino.tlc@gmail.com for comments or feedback on this story).

The November 2005 Philippine Fiesta celebration was a success for all intent and purpose. Of course, there are those who think it could have been better with issues needing to be addressed.

The homily of Fr Rolyn Vics called for us Filipino-Australians to unite in the spirit of true servanthood. We might need to assess why we have so many community organisations in existence. The on-going rifts among some groups, even in the most spiritual congregation are still a reality. Conflict is part of the human condition and of our fallen nature. However, if one wants to be a leader, first he must be a servant. Without living to this definition, leaders would get lost in the world of pride, arrogance, and the “me-syndrome.”

Already there are comments that some people who now occupy community positions seem to have changed – they could detect the air of distance and snobbery. One saw a kababayan requesting for a mere signature but was given a run-around. Friedrich Nietzsche once said: Wherever I climb, I am followed by a dog called “Ego”.

Those of us who have chosen to lead can learn from the Master. He washed the feet of His apostles, walked miles with them, taught them to be humble and protected them. He did not scamper away when the day of adversity struck. He even died for them. As a community, we should be grateful to those who have chosen to serve – for the path is narrow and fraught with persecutions. They need our support. They need our prayers. They need wisdom, not from men but from its true Source.

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Godly wisdom is different. It brings back order, peace, and harmony. When a group or an organisation relies solely on human wisdom and effort in solving conflicts, there can be a resolution, but not healing. And these wounds can fester and infect. But the accountability of someone who said “yes” to lead is greater… thus, we need an examination of conscience all the time.

St Francis de Sales admonishes: “Do not consider the importance of the things you do, for of themselves they are insignificant.” Consider only the dignity they have in being willed by God’s will, arranged by His Providence and planned according to His Wisdom.

Christmas is the best time to re-align ourselves to the true purpose of why we serve. If we are honest and genuine, we will see many areas where we can clean up and do a fresh start. This is the beauty of Christmas – it gives us hope to do better.

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