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Unconditional Love: Significance and History of Mother’s Day

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Lorna Ramirez
Lorna Ramirez
LORNA RAMIREZ was born, raised and educated in Manila in the Philippines, attaining a degree in Chemical Engineering and working as a laboratory manager in a textiles company. In 1977, with her husband and her son and daughter she migrated to Australia. She worked as a laboratory technician and a chemist in Australia, only retiring in the year 2000 to care for her first grandchild. Lorna Ramirez has travelled extensively, gaining much from her interactions with people all over the world and building a strong foundation for her philosophies about life. She loves gardening, cooking, and reading and playing the piano. She is also interested in the Stock Exchange. Throughout her life, Lorna Ramirez, a woman of faith, has been a wise observer of human behaviour and has collected her many pearls of wisdom and observations to produce this inspiring and uplifting book.

Every year, millions celebrate Mother’s Day, but few know the rich history of Mother’s Day and its evolution into a global celebration. This day, steeped in tradition, marks an opportunity to honour the profound impact and selfless love of mothers around the world. From its ancient roots to the modern-day observances, understanding the history of Mother’s Day adds depth to our appreciation of this special occasion.

The profound love of a mother for her children can never be fathomed, defying logic and reasonable explanations. It is an example of unconditional love, a love that is full of sacrifices and caring. I firmly believe that our life’s journey starts in our mother’s womb, carrying and nourishing us for nine months.

Then, the cutting of the umbilical cord signifies the physical separation of a mother and her child. However, the baby still needs nourishment; thus, the mother’s milk symbolizes life for the newborn. This creates an unmeasurable bond between a mother and the baby. “A face that only a mother can love” is a popular expression and an example of a mother’s unconditional love.

The influence of a mother on her children is indeed significant. Well-loved children are mostly self-confident and have a positive outlook on life. In the animal kingdom, animal moms protect their young by shielding their bodies and keeping their young safe from predators. In the recent stabbing attack at the Westfield Bondi Junction in Sydney, a mother desperately tried to protect her nine-month-old baby from the perpetrator at the expense of her life, truly epitomizing a mother’s love for her child.

History of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day dates back to ancient Greece, celebrating the goddess Rhea, who was the goddess of motherhood, fertility, childbirth, and the comfort of good living. While the festival of Rhea no longer takes place in Greece, Greeks still celebrate Mother’s Day, similar to America’s Mother’s Day, observed on the second Sunday of May.

Anna Jarvis in America started the official celebration of Mother’s Day tradition after her mother’s death in 1908. She wanted to celebrate all the sacrifices that mothers make for their children. President Woodrow Wilson signed a declaration in 1914 designating the second Sunday of May as a national holiday to honour mothers.

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Constance Penswick Smith initiated the Mothering Sunday movement in the United Kingdom between 1910 and 1920. She was inspired by a 1913 article about Anna Jarvis, an American woman residing in Philadelphia who began Mother’s Day in the US. Smith then linked the concept of Mothering Sunday to a Mother’s Day celebration. However, the UK’s Mother’s Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, differing from the US observance.

Reasons for Celebrating Mother’s Day

Celebrating Mother’s Day is one way to acknowledge all the sacrifices, unconditional love, and support mothers provide their children. It also glorifies motherhood, which I believe is the noblest job of all.

Mothers play crucial roles in shaping their children’s emotional and spiritual characters. By celebrating Mother’s Day, we recognize their important roles in the family, where they act as doctors, financial advisors, disciplinarians, moderators, and much more.

Celebrating Mother’s Day allows us to reflect on the love and compassion of mothers and to remember and appreciate that motherhood is the most demanding job, requiring patience, strength, and dedication to their families.

As always, the task of mothers never ends. Suffice it to say that because mothers are the most loved people in the world, it is truly justified that Mother’s Day should be celebrated every year and possibly every day of the year.

Once you lose your mother, you have lost the most loving person in your life!

Excerpt from my book 

“My Passion My Calling”

A mother’s heart is so strong.
It can withstand all the pain, sorrows, and heartaches.
Inflicted by loved ones.
A mother’s heart can still withstand and forgive no matter what.
Even there is no more left to give.
One cannot fathom the heart of a mother.
Unless you are a mother.

Go to www.lornasbook.com to view titles written by Lorna Ramirez

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