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Sunday , 23 February 2025

FCCVI faction heads speak

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Following are statements received from both faction leaders of the Filipino Community Council of Victoria Inc. (FCCVI).

Accomplishment report sent by Marlon de Leon

Dear Leaders and Members of FCCVI:

I wish to thank you for all your support and patience. Today is my 10th day as President of the Council.  Let me update you on what we have accomplished so far:

1. Council Staff, Community Support Workers(CCW) and Volunteers

Reported at our temporary office at 20A Droop St, Footscray from 12 March 2019. I am very thankful that we were able to get their morale and confidence back to continue our services to our elderly clients and the broader community.

Gumdent Dental Clinic

Our team will most likely be back at the Philippine House after about 3 months when the new Pergola, repairs and repainting of the house are completed. I have communicated with the board of the Philippine Australian Foundation Inc. that my team will only move back at the Philippine House if all the OHS issues were cleared and declared safe.

2. Payment of Staff salaries and wages and reimbursements and Suppliers

All arrears were paid within the first week of my term. I have committed to all our staff and workers that I will establish some safeguards so that payment of wages and salaries will be on time no matter what. All our outstanding payments for our utilities and suppliers were all up to date.

3. Age Care Quality Safety and Quality Audit

Was held in our temporary office on 13 March 2019. This was done three days after the election. I can confirm that the audit went well with the hard work and commitment of our staff, Executive Team and key volunteers.

4. Banking, Finance and Business Transaction Audit

We have secured our funds and were all accounted for. With the return of our Finance Officer and with the help of our Treasurer and Internal Auditor, I can assure you that all our remaining funds will be disbursed with out most care and in accordance with our policies and procedures. A full business transaction audit will be conducted from next week to make sure that our funds were used according to our policies and procedures from the past administration to present. Any findings will be released to all our members and the general public soon.

5. Funding Agencies and Continuity of Funding

I am glad to let you all know that there will be a continuation of funding from both the State and the Commonwealth. We are now focusing on achieving the 100% delivery of our services based on our funding commitments for this financial year. I am now writing the business plan for bigger and better funding for the next financial year to cover the Eastern Suburbs and some priority regional areas. We will attempt to go Victoria wide from 2020.

6. Delivery of our Services to our Elderly Clients

All activities for our Damayan, Aged Care, Home and Community Care services are delivered in a timely manner. We already witnessed the return of CCW’s and volunteers and a new campaign to increase our volunteer participation was commenced last week.

7. Business more than usual

While there is some noise in the social media and some media agencies, I can say that all our staff, CCW’s, Volunteers, and Executive Committee are busy on how we can deliver all services and commitments. There is no disruption of our operations at all.

Please come and visit us at our temporary office at 20A Droop Street, Footscray. I am inviting you to our 1st Quarterly Meeting on the 31 March 2019 from 1:00pm-4:00pm.

Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email me at marlon_de_leon@yahoo.com or my mobile 0413 267 448.

Again, thank you very much for all your support and for entrusting me the role of a young Father of the Filipino Community Council of Victoria.

President, FCCVI
Elected 10 March 2019

READ: FCCVI now in worst crisis

Statement sent to Philippine Times by Marithes Dumapias

We have read the exchange of comments on Philippine Times FB page and on both petitions. The over-riding sentiment of the community is for the two parties to work together and settle the dispute in the interest of the Filipino community. 

However, we have also read the libellous comments from the leaders and followers of the Marlon de Leon’s camp. We are deeply saddened and disturbed by the propensity of the other camp to disseminate lies using distorted allegations.

We believe that the Filipino community have the ability to see the truth based on what has been circulating in the media.

Those who attended the Special Meeting held on March 3 (called by the incumbent officers led by elected President yours truly and the independently-called Community Summit meeting on March 17 by former Commissioner of the Victorian Multicultural Commission Melba Marginson, have a greater understanding of the issue based on facts and evidence.

We do not want to engage with the psychological warfare and mudslinging that the Marlon camp has been doing. We do not want to continue confusing the Filipino community and our stakeholders.  

We only want to reiterate our invitation to the other party to participate in the agreed special interim election on March 31, 10 am- 1 pm at 93 Cowper Street, Footscray

This special election will be conducted independently by a Committee of 3 non-partisan leaders of the community. It is also supported by the Philippine Embassy and Philippine Consulate of Victoria. 

We hope your newspaper will cover the March 31st election to show the Filipino community that their wish to see an interim set of officers who will lead the community with a clear mandate will be realised. 

President & Council Chairperson
and Head of the Executive Committee, FCCVI
With Consent & Endorsement of Filipino Community Council of Victoria, Inc.
Elected and Mandated 12 November 2017

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  1. It’s time for a change. Let the previous officers give way to the new leaders to cease unnecessary arguments. Some problems emanates when a person got elected as a leader. Self righteousness became their attitude. FCCVI should be a role model of so called Unification of Filipino community. Humility and perseverance are among other things we need from the leader. Now I understand why other Filipino organisations and some elderly didn’t like to join or be members of FCCVI? Is it a trustworthy umbrella organisation?

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