26.1 C
Sunday , 9 March 2025



Exploring Opportunities on Recent Australian Visa Updates

In the past few months, there have been updates on Australian visas which mostly bear great news to existing visa holders, or to those...

Exploring Nurse Registration Pathways in Australia

There are 260,000 nurses in Australia and forty percent of these Registered Nurses and Aged and Disabled Carers were born overseas as per the...

Is there a Filipino voice in the upcoming referendum?

At a later part this year, Australia is expected to have a referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First...

NSW and ACT KOR-KRI chapter members hold 3rd assembly

The 3rd Knights of Rizal Australian New Zealand Oceania (ANZO) Regional Assembly in NSW was held at Condell Park Club Bankstown on the 18th of June...

PCC-NSW hosts with APCO the Philippine National Day Ball 2023

In celebration of the 125th anniversary of the proclamation of the Philippine independence on the 12th of June, the Philippine Community Council of NSW, Inc. (PCC-NSW),...


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