20.7 C
Wednesday , 15 May 2024
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Christmas in our hearts

It’s that time of year, the most wonderful time of the year - Christmas! A time to reflect on the roller coaster ride that was...

Visa tips during this pandemic

The Australian migration legislation changes constantly and also because of the pandemic. Due to this, many visa applicants are left with so many questions...

Wings of our own

Our front yard had a row of Lilly Pilly trees. Eleven years ago, when we planted them, we delighted in their evergreen shiny foliage,...

The kind of wisdom that comes with age

In a world where new, young and fresh are what capture society’s attention, how do we value age and experience? Is there a place in...

Before it’s too late

Based on the data obtained from a trend tracker website, it has been reported that the current life expectancy for Australians in 2020 is...


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