15.1 C
Friday , 3 May 2024
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How long O Lord…?

I will take refuge in the shadow of Your wings, until the disaster has passed O Lord. – Psalm 57:1 March 2020 seemed a normal...

Dual citizenship: all ‘pros’ and no ‘cons’

An oft-repeated saying among us Filipinos is that “you can take the Filipino out of the Philippines, but you can never take the Philippines...

How are Filipinos in Victoria feeling during COVID-19?

R U OK? day was held around Australia on 10 September. Traditionally held on the second Thursday of September each year, R U OK?...

Everyone ready to go?: A look at the future

Everyone ready to go? Victorians would be familiar with this line, as many of us tune in to Dan Andrews’ daily press conference about the...

Masking empathy

During World War II, the British government imposed a total blackout. The citizens were urged to stay indoors and black out their windows to...


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