By Troy Gregory Marsden
Leading a Filipino organisation is one thing. But leading a Pride organisation that comprises different backgrounds and people that are coming from different sectors of the society is something that Rudson Al Barcoma, new President of Pride in Peel Inc. is personally very excited and nervous about.
Pride in Peel Inc is a not-for-profit organisation in Western Australia that aims to provide a touch point for making peer and social connections, information and resources of the services and events in the Peel Region for the LGBTQIA+ community.
Past President and Founder – Stephen Carter and new President – Rudson Al Barcoma. will transition the organisation to a new adventure for the future, strengthened by the new Board Members who happily volunteer to lend their expertise, knowledge, and experience.
Rudson decided to step up as President of the organisation due to his passion in keeping Pride in Peel Inc active and make it even a bigger icon, not just to the LGBTQIA+ community but to the whole community in the Peel region and even beyond. He has been a Board Member of Pride in Peel Inc for a year. In addition, he is an active Rotarian, and he holds several board members positions in different not-for-profit and charity organisations in different sectors of the community.

Rudson is a Nurse by profession with qualifications in the Philippines, Australia, and the United States. An academic by heart and currently involved in the insurance industry for different general insurance policies. He also holds several post graduate studies including Masters in the Science of Nursing Major in Leadership and Management, and Advance Diploma in leadership and management.
Stepping into the presidency was not really part of Rudson’s plan when he initially joined Pride in Peel Inc. This is because he believes in the strong leadership of the Past President and how tremendous pressure it will be to follow his contributions in the organisation. The past president was able to navigate Pride in Peel Inc out of the troubled waters and kept it afloat despite all the stresses and pressures the pandemic has brought to everyone.
For Pride in Peel Inc, this change in leadership will bring forth a combination of piloting fresh initiatives and keeping the trademark of what Pride in Peel Inc is founded for, what it’s known for, and making it better and even more fabulous.

Pride in Peel Inc’s Vice President Natasja Verschut who is a Social Worker by profession and has extensive knowledge and experience in community service and management. In addition, she has the most fabulous enthusiasm towards awareness especially to the trans community. Together, they will bring a fresh perspective and strategic initiatives to move Pride in Peel Inc forward.
Their vision of the future of Pride in Peel Inc is to create a venue for the LGBTQIA+ members to be able to see and feel that we are a visible part of the community. To be themselves, celebrate diversity and uniqueness to the world. This can be done through Pride in Peel Inc’s first board initiative to set up subcommittee groups which are headed by one or two Board members. Through the guidance and supervision of the Executive Team, this will give members a chance to get involved and able to provide some independence in developing decision making skills for the organisation.
If you are interested to join Pride in Peel Inc and be part of this fabulous transition, Pride in Peel Inc is happy to have you on the team. You are not just making a difference to the community; you are also developing your individual skills. For more information, visit , sign up and join.