As we celebrate two days in a row of zero cases earlier this week, and further easing of restrictions in Victoria, I thank and congratulate every member of our community for the part you played in getting on top of the state’s second wave.

We are the envy of the world at the moment, but please remember to celebrate with your friends and family safely and responsibly. It’s vital that we continue to follow the guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services and keep case numbers low.
Please also continue to get tested, even for the mildest of symptoms, and stay home until you get your result. Support is available if you don’t have access to paid sick leave.
Earlier this week, and building on the recent round of our Regional Advisory Council meetings, we wrapped up our series of community roundtables. The roundtables provided a forum for communities to discuss important health information regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), the vital role of testing, as well as the challenges and opportunities relating to recovery and the road to opening back up. A summary of some of the top issues you shared with us is below.
And on the topic of looking forward to recovery, I encourage anyone working in (or aspiring to) the arts and cultural sector, especially young people under 25, to contribute to the next Creative State strategy. Please share the resources below with your relevant networks.
Victoria’s Creative Strategy consultation

In March just before the disruptions of the pandemic, Creative Victoria was finalising the state’s next four-year creative strategy, after extensive industry and community consultation. But the strategy was paused to focus on the immediate impacts facing Victoria’s creative industries.
As we now take steps toward COVID-normal and beyond, and look to reopening and rebuilding our creative industries, the development of a bold, informed, statewide strategy is more vital than ever.
Contributions are invited from all existing and aspiring members of the creative community about the impact COVID-19 has had on your work, priorities and concerns, and your ideas for the future.
Young Victorians are especially encouraged to have a say, via a survey for people aged 15-25 who connect with the creative industries as participants, audience members or through work, volunteering, or study.
Please have your say, and share this information with your networks as appropriate.
Community roundtables wrap up

This week, and building on the recent round of our Regional Advisory Council meetings, we wrapped up our series of online roundtables that provided our communities with the opportunity to engage directly with health experts from the Department of Health and Human Services.
The seven virtual forums were an opportunity for communities to discuss important health messaging regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), as well as the vital role testing plays in helping to better understand and beat the virus. The sessions also provided an opportunity for communities to discuss the challenges of responding to coronavirus (COVID-19) and the roadmap for reopening.
Key themes raised include isolation of the elderly and single people – particularly in public housing, the impact on mental health, the role of in-language support, impact on small business, challenges of digital communication for some older Victorians, and the opportunity to learn from the experiences of the past several months to prepare for any future crisis.
All of the feedback gathered at these discussions will be shared with the CALD Communities Taskforce and the Department of Health and Humans Services, to help inform recovery actions for our state.
We thank all members of our communities who attended these sessions for their contributions and valuable insights.
Coronavirus hotline
Coronavirus hotline: 1800 675 398 (24 Hours).
Interpreting service: If you need an interpreter, call TIS National on 131 450.
Testing locations: Find a testing location near you.
Triple Zero: Please keep Triple Zero (000) for emergencies only.