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Friday , 17 May 2024
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Thad Mangalino

#1 Make the most of the COVID-19 lockdown

Episode 1 Welcome to the first episode of the Firm Focus Podcast, hosted by Thad Mangalino. Here are some strategies and insights on how to...

Pass it on, Kobe

I awoke early to a text message from a friend. “Kobe Bryant passed!” I laughed and replied “Rubbish! Are you being funny? Kobe never...

Learnings from the past 521 Saturdays

The year 2020 is near, a new year and a new decade. I remember as if it was yesterday that I was getting ready...

Control your day

It was a freezing Tuesday morning; I have already pressed the snooze button and was getting elbowed by my wife telling me to stop...

Plan ahead

Did you know that you are capable of almost any level of success? Yes, that is true. As long as you invest the time...


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