20.5 C
Thursday , 24 October 2024
Melbourne - This was the set date when a small group of badminton enthusiasts held their first ever tournament. The Badminton Anti Socials Group (BAD-AS) started as a handful...

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Columns + Editorial


Fat Freezing: The Whats and Hows of the Treatment

In the pursuit of attaining a desired body shape and size, people frequently look into ways to get rid of persistent fat deposits on their bodies. Fat freezing is...

Everything You Should Know About Barking Collars

Barking is a natural behaviour for dogs. It's their way of communicating with their owners and the world around them. However, excessive barking can...

A Guide to Achieving Better Health with the Power of Nature

The blog explores how natural remedies like plant-based oils and outdoor activities can improve overall health and well-being. It provides practical ways to incorporate nature...

Sustainable Solutions for a Greener Kitchen

Evaluate your kitchen habits to identify wasteful practices and find easy ways to reduce single-use items like plastics and paper products. Swap disposable kitchen tools...



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Charice Pempengco on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Charice Pempengco's first visit to the United States. This is her guest appearance at the Ellen DeGeneres Show, after Ellen invited Charice to the...

The wisdom to know the difference

The November 2005 Philippine Fiesta celebration was a success for all intent and purpose. Of course, there are those who think it could have...

Club Talk