A new short film titled “Jojo Lost His Shoe” is currently in production, exploring the dynamics of a Filipino-Australian family living in Melbourne. The film follows a family as...
Ensuring your vehicle’s brakes are in top condition is crucial for safe driving on wet and potentially icy roads. Regular car brake service is not just about maintaining performance—it's...
In crisis situations, such as natural disasters, pandemics, or humanitarian emergencies, maintaining hygiene and safety is of paramount importance. Among the critical components of...
The recently concluded International Research Forum on the Philippines (IRFP), organized by La Trobe University’s Philippine Australia Forum (PAF) and the Filipino-Australia Student Council...
The Angat Buhay Foundation, a Philippine-based non-profit organisation, is set to host two charity dinners in Australia this September. The events scheduled in Canberra...
Efficiency in GP practice is vital for providing timely patient care, ensuring accurate diagnostics, and optimising resource allocation. Streamlined operations enhance patient satisfaction and...