Respect has always been a core value in Filipino families. We teach our children to say "po" and "opo," respect their elders, and be polite in conversations. But in...
It has been popular for people to buy products from the supermarket or drugstore to brighten their smiles at home. However, as tempting as it might be to grab...
Immerse yourself in art and culture at Marikit Santiago’s first major solo exhibition, “Proclaim Your Death” at Campbelltown Arts Centre, Campbelltown. This superb exhibit is open until...
Ms Aida Garcia, one of the representatives from South Australia, was elected as the new President of the Filipino Communities Council of Australia (FILCCA) in...
Yes, the 30th anniversary will push through as planned by the Philippine Fiesta Management Committee. The same venue at the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds and...
Despite the problems and widespread rumours that the Philippine Fiesta would not be celebrated this year, the current Philippine Fiesta of Victoria Inc. Management...